Celebrating Friendship, Charity, and Benevolence

- Sir Michael Spivey, Grand Chancellor – Jacksonville, Fl
- Sir Roger Nelson, Vice Grand Chancellor – Panama City, Fl
- Sir Ephraim Bryant, Past Grand Chancellor – Tallahassee, Fl
- Sir John Franklin, Past Grand Chancellor – Tallahassee, Fl
- Sir Clarence Monette, Past Grand Chancellor – Port St. Joe, Fl
- Sir Johnny Johnson, Past Grand Chancellor – Ft. Pierce, Fl
- Sir Hosea Anderson, Supreme Representative – Jacksonville, Fl
- Sir Michael Bellamy, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal – Tallahassee, Fl
- Sir Henry Gunn, Grand Master of Exchequer – Quincy, Fl
- Sir Aundra Bryant, Grand Prelate – Tallahassee, Fl
- Sir John Evans, Grand Peoples’ Representative – Riviera Beach, Fl
- Sir Isaac Brown, Convention Chair- Panama City, Fl
- Sir Knight Roosevelt Randolph, Grand Attorney – Tallahassee, Fl
- Sir Emmett McCallister, Grand Master of Arms – St. Petersburg, Fl
- Sir William Oney, Grand Inner Guard – Panama City, Fl
- Sir Johnny Johnson, Grand Lecturer – Ft. Pierce, Fl
- Sir Ronald Spencer, Brigadier General – Tallahassee, Fl
- Sir Frankie Fennell, Sr., Education Chairman – Port St. Joe, Fl
- Sir Michael Spivey, Assistant Convention Chair. – Jacksonville, Fl