The 123rd Grand Lodge Session will be held in Jacksonville, Florida May 18-23, 2012. The Theme for this year is: “Rebuild . . . Revive . . . Restore. The Grand Lodge has chosen the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 1201 Riverplace Boulevard as headquarters for this Annual Session. Everyone is encouraged to register and make hotel reservations early so that we may have an effective meeting.
Supreme Vice Chancellor Kenneth Fields Taken In Death
Supreme Vice Chancellor Kenneth L. Fields Taken in Death
Kenneth L. Fields died Wednesday in Nashville. He was a resident of Pulaski and 53 years old. A former Giles County Commissioner, he was a member of the Queen Ann Funeral Home Staff. He was also a member of the Knights of Pythias of North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia and served for many years as Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal. In July of this year he was elected to serve as Supreme Vice Chancellor/Supreme Worthy Counsellor of this Fraternal Order.
Visitation was held Sunday, August 27 from 5-7 pm at the Baptist Association Central Building and Monday, August 28 at 11am at First Baptist Church of Pulaski. Services followed during the noon hour.
Survivors include his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reed of Pulaski, sister Coretta Young of Nashville and brothers Pastor Joe Fields of Texas, Eric Fields of Kentucky and Robert Lane Reed of Pulaski. Many nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends also survive.
Sir Knight Kenneth Fields taken in Death
Kenneth L. Fields
Posted on August 26, 2011
Kenneth L. Fields died Wednesday in Nashville. He was a resident of Pulaski and 53 years old. A former Giles County Commissioner, he was member of the Queen Ann Funeral Home Staff.
Sir Knight Fields was a member of the Knights of Pythias of North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. He served as Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal for many years and was elected Supreme Vice Chancellor and Supreme Worthy Counsellor in July 2011.
Visitation will begin Monday at 11am at First Baptist Church of Pulaski. Services will follow during the noon hour.
Visitation will be held Sunday from 5-7pm at the Baptist Association Central Building.
Survivors include his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reed of Pulaski, sister Coretta Young of Nashville and brothers
Pastor Joe Fields of Texas, Eric Fields of Kentucky and Robert Lane Reed of Pulaski. Many nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends also survive.
Jordan Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements for Kenneth L. Fields.
Florida Shines at Supreme Convention
Florida Shines at Supreme Convention
Pythian and Calanthe Brothers and Sisters from across the country met in Des Moines, Iowa July 28-31 for the 66th Biennial Supreme Convention of the Knights of Pythias and Order of Calanthe. The convention was held at the Des Moines Airport Holiday Inn. Members spent the four days setting new priorities, taking care of national business and electing officers to serve for the next two years. The Florida delegation consisted of 39 members that included 9 members of the Youth Department.
Members of the Florida Delegation elected or appointed to serve as Supreme Officers are as follows:
- Johnny Johnson, Supreme Inner Guard
- Kenneth Brown, Commanding General – Uniform Rank
- Clarence Monette, Chairman of Education & Chairman of the Pythian/Calanthe Joint Education Scholarship Fund
- Ephraim Bryant, Supreme Lecturer
- Wendell Kenon, Imperial Master at Arms – DOKO
- Ho-sea Anderson, Imperial Deputy of Florida- DOKO
- William W. Anderson, Imperial Recorder – DOKO
- Blanch Miller, Imperial Madi – Princess of Omar
- Peggy Harris, Imperial Guard – Princess of Omar
- Lula Wilson, Imperial Princess – Princess of Omar
Other Officers elected or appointed:
- Donald W. Austin, Supreme Chancellor – Iowa
- Kenneth Fields, Supreme Vice Chancellor – Tennessee
- Thomas Caldwell, Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal – North Carolina
- Herbert Strickland, Supreme Master of Exchequer – Ohio
- Lawrence E. Tolliver, Supreme Recording Secretary – Missouri
- Lloyd Green, Master at Arms – Iowa
- H.E. Edwards, Supreme Prelate – North Carolina
- Jimmy Farmer, Supreme Outer Guard – Indiania
- Leslie Ivery, Health Director – Missouri
This online album has 193 photos on SkyDrive.
Knights in Shining Armor
By: Aundra Bryant Tallahassee, Florida
Knights in Shining Armor is an article written by Sir knight Aundra Bryant; Grand Prelate of the Knights of Pythias, Jurisdiction of Florida. The article chronicles the beginning of the Knights of Pythias together with an account of its origin. The article appeared in the July 2011 edition of Program Success Magazine.
Program Success Magazine is a periodical that celebrates the accomplishments of individuals in the fields of Business, Politics, Religion, and Society. It places the spotlight of success on those who have excelled in their arenas of expertise in order to inspire, encourage and enhance the lives of others aspiring greatness. To read the article, click on the link below and scroll down to page 5.
Scroll down to Page 5
Emma B. Wade Elected Grand Worthy Counsellor
We Do More Than Meet!
There Is Power In Helping Others
Grand Court Order of Calanthe Elects and Installs 2011-2012 Officers
Sister Emma B. Wade, Grand Worthy Counsellor, elect, retired from the Leon County School System, Tallahassee, Florida with over 30 years of teaching experience in Mathematics. She graduated Cum Laude with a Master’s of Education degree in Mathematics and a Minor in Physics from Florida A and M University, Tallahassee.

She is a member of Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church where she serves as Administrative Assistant to Pastor Stanley L. Walker, Sr.
She has been married to Sir Knight Glen Wade, fifty-seven years, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, State of Florida. She holds active membership in the Order of the Eastern Star; Heroines of Jericho; Ladies of the Circle of Perfection; Heroines of the Templar Crusades, Order of the Golden Circle and the Daughters of Isis. She is the recipient of numerous service and leadership awards, not to mention her Honorary degrees.
Most noteworthy is the “Imperial Commandress’ Torchlighter Award presented to her as “Illustrious Commandress (134) of the Year”, August, 2006, by Dt. Charlie Powell Albury (117), 40th Imperial Commandress, New Orleans, Louisiana. Her primary goal is to focus on “giving her very best” and “doing more than meeting” while serving as Grand Worthy Counsellor. Prayer is the Key for wisdom and strength. She is commited and dedicated to Order of Calanthe and will serve with humility and gratitude.
Other elected and appointed officers are:
- Grand Worthy Trustees: Annette Roberts,Delores Copeland and Gerri Chambers
- Education Board: Lula Wilson, Dorothy Henderson and Queen Ousley
- Earline Everette, Past Grand Worthy Counsellor
- Mary Feacher, Grand Worthy Inspectrix
- Helen Davis, Grand Worthy Inspector
- Faye Brown, Grand Receiver of Deposits;
- Thelma Ray, Grand Register of Deeds
- Josephine Murray, Assistant Grand Register of Deeds
- Rev. Patricia Langston Jackson, Grand Worthy Orator;
- Abbie L. Isom, Grand Worthy Senior Directress
- Joann Morgan, Grand Worthy Junior Directress
- Peggy Harris; Grand Worthy Conductress
- Pauline Jackson, Assistant Grand Worthy Conductress
- Betty Graham, Grand Worthy Escort
- Julia Bain, Grand Worthy Herald
- Betty Freeman, Grand Worthy Protector
- Alice Williams, Grand Worthy Youth Matron
- LaSelle Wilson, Grand Worthy Lecturer
- Betty Stringer, Christian Flag
- Bernice Ford, Florida Flag
- TBA, American Flag
- TBA, Calanthe Flag
- Grand Auditors: Fannie C. Bellamy,Josie Smith and Joann Morgan
- Arts and Crafts: Olivia Skinner and LaVerne Gosby
- Theme: “Facing the Challenges- Taking One Step at a Time with Courage and Confidence”
The recommended objectives are:
- Recruiting, reclaiming and retaining members
- Empowering our youth
- Supporting our Knights of Pythias brothers
- Doing volunteer work for the good of the order
- Contributing funds to charitable agencies
- Providing Christmas activities for our youth
- Community involvement with Habitat for community
- Supporting our adopted charity, “Sickle Cell Foundation
- Practicing and promoting Fidelity, Harmony and Love
- Providing vouchers for Thanksgiving food baskets
- Visiting the nursing homes at intervals
- Providing community giveaways to include clothes and shoes
- To organize at least one new court
- To re-activate at least 2 courts
- To establish a Disaster Relief program to assist flood victims
- To assist our own Calanthe sisters when the need occurs upon request
- To provide workshops for the betterment of the organization
- To strive for life membership with the N.A.A.C.P.