Grand Lodge/Court Registration Form


 All members attending the Grand Lodge Convention are expected to register to participate in the meeting.

To be eligible for early registration fees ($68.00 / $75.00-late), the Grand Lodge must receive your completed registration form and payment on or before May 1, 2015. Registration fees include an admission badge that gives access to all sessions and tickets to the Picnic and Annual Banquet. Tickets to the Banquet for family members or guests may be purchased separately for $25.00 each. Mail Pre-Registration to: Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias Sir Michael Spivey P.O. Box 2021  Jacksonville, Florida 32203 (904-422-3275).

Click on the links below to view photos of the 2014 Grand Session:

Grand Session Photos  2014

Hospitality, Memorial Service,

Youth Program 

Deputy’s Breakfast

Grand Session Banquet

Grand Session Picnic

Click for more information